Publication Date

Spring 5-4-2024

Document Type


First Advisor

Hux, Candice

Degree Name

B.S. (Bachelor of Science)


Department of Accountancy


Recently, the number of college students majoring in accounting has significantly decreased, creating an accounting pipeline issue and resulting in fewer new accountants entering the industry. This presents a talent shortage while the demand for accountants remains high. The objective of this research study is to identify the potential methods that can be implemented to attract more students to major in accountancy and to contribute insights that may be useful in solving the accounting pipeline issue. Using an anonymous survey distributed to current students in Northern Illinois University’s (NIU) College of Business, I gathered data about factors that influence students’ decision to select their respective college major and their perceptions on the accounting profession. The first major finding is that most non-accountancy students are unaware of the versatility and different career paths that an accounting degree can offer to students. The second major finding is that the four main criteria utilized to evaluate a job or profession are salary, work-life balance, job security, and hybrid work model. The third major finding is that an introduction of the accounting field to students as early as high school will most likely develop their interest in accounting and attract them to the accounting pipeline. Overall, my findings identified factors that attract or deter college students from majoring in accountancy and entering the accounting pipeline. Actions plans developed based on these findings may attract more college students to major in accountancy and improve the accounting pipeline.

Included in

Accounting Commons
