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Northern Illinois University Law Review


While there has been a growing societal acceptance of LGBT individuals throughout the decades, anti-LGBT bills and laws within the states are on the rise—in particular, bills against LGBT youth. The most famous anti-LGBT law currently in place is Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education” law. The prevalence and inconsistent application of such legislation raises constitutional questions surrounding the rights of LGBT youth, as well as the negative effects the legislation has had on LGBT youth’s mental health and their perception of the legal system they are supposed to trust in and rely on. This Article discusses the impact state anti-LGBT legislation will have on LGBT youth and concludes with an emphasis and the need for a federal solution that could protect LGBT youth at large.

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College of Law

Suggested Citation

Kyla Tinsley, Note, Anti-LGBT Legislation in Florida: A Prime Example of States Mentally Harming LGBT Youth, 44 N. Ill. Univ. L. Rev. 135 (2024).

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Law Commons



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