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International Journal of Žižek Studies
ISSN 1751-8229
The International Journal of Žižek Studies (IJŽS) is an online, peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to investigating, elaborating, and critiquing the work of Slavoj Žižek. IJŽS is an interdisciplinary journal that is open and welcoming to diverse approaches, methodologies, interpretations, and language of composition. IJŽS has no predisposition for specific interpretations of Žižek or the thinkers he interprets.
IJŽS adheres to the platinum standard of open access publishing, meaning that digital versions of articles are available, free of charge, to researchers and the general public immediately upon publication and NO publication or article processing fee is charged to authors. All material published in the International Journal of Žižek Studies is published under the Creative Commons Attribution License, and copyright for articles, reviews, and translations published in the journal is retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to IJŽS.
Northern Illinois University Law Review
The Northern Illinois University Law Review is a student-edited journal that publishes articles intended to assist the legal community and to stimulate critical discussion of current legal, policy and social issues.
The Law Review publishes three print issues each year. The online supplement highlights the work of NIU College of Law students and is released once a semester.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.