Publication Date

Spring 5-3-2022

Document Type

Student Project

First Advisor

Schatteman, Alicia

Degree Name

B.A. (Bachelor of Arts)


Center for Nonprofit and NGO Studies


This capstone is a case study of the Rockford Area Convention and Visitors Bureau (RACVB) in an effort to assist with answering the main research question. The main question is “To what extent has COVID-19 impacted the marketing and communications of nonprofit organizations”? The mission of the RACVB is to drive quality of life and economic growth for our citizens through tourism marketing and destination development. Due to the lack of tourism during this two-year period, I was interested to see how the RACVB adjusted to this new normal in marketing the Rockford region. Over the course of two months, a combination of qualitative and quantitative data was conducted with assistance from former and current marketing employees of the RACVB. During the process a 10-question survey was sent out to CVB staff who worked in the Marketing department during March 2020-March 2022. Three interviews were conducted with the CEO, Marketing Manager, and former Director of Marketing and Communication at the RACVB. This capstone paper discussed nonprofit marketing, tourism, and destination marketing organizations, and how nonprofits respond to economic disruptions often with collaboration with other organizations.
