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(Response to “Careful What You Wish For: A Critical Appraisal of Proposals to Rebuild the Labor Movement” by Lance Compa, originally published in New Labor Forum on December 28, 2015). Lance Compa is right: alt-labor relies heavily on union support, and it’s not self-sustaining. But the conclusion he draws—that it’s a lot of flash and no fix—is only half-right. The truth is, we should feel optimistic about “traditional” labor because of alt-labor, not in spite of it. The two futures are linked, and supporting alt-labor may be the smartest way for unions to put fuel to the flashes and get to the fixes.

Publication Date



College of Law




The Murphy Institute, City University of New York

Suggested Citation

Michael M. Oswalt, Response to “Careful What You Wish For”: Bust Out Without Breaking Up, New Labor Forum (Dec. 28, 2015),

Included in

Law Commons



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