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Mandy Faretta-Stutenberg:



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This chapter provides an overview of research instruments and technologies that can inform questions about language processing among study abroad learners. Specifically, we consider behavioral, eye-tracking, and electrophysiological methods. For each method, we provide a description of the approach, including how data are collected, analyzed, and interpreted. Then, we summarize findings from research employing the method that includes a study abroad context. Finally, we consider the limitations of the method and gaps in the extant literature, and provide guiding principles for researchers interested in utilizing the technique. The chapter concludes with suggestions for future research and a discussion of the utility of including processing measures in study abroad research to gain a more holistic view of second language development.



Publication Date



Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language and Literature| Department of World Languages and Cultures


John Benjamins




language processing, reaction time, eye tracking, event-related potentials (ERPs), psycholinguistics, grammaticality judgment task, semantic classification task, priming, latency measures, self-paced reading and listening tasks


This is the authors' accepted manuscript for a chapter entitled Technology in Cognitive Research: Methods to Examine Second Language Processing appearing in C. Pérez Vidal and C. Sanz (Eds.), Methods in Study Abroad Research: Past, Present, and Future (pp. 157-179). The version of record is located at and the copyright is held by the John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Original Citation

Faretta-Stutenberg, M., Finestrat, I. & Morgan-Short, K. (2023). Technology in Cognitive Research: Methods to Examine Second Language Processing. In C. Pérez Vidal and C. Sanz (Eds.), Methods in Study Abroad Research: Past, Present, and Future (pp. 157-179). John Benjamins.

Technology in Cognitive Research: Methods to Examine Second Language Processing in Study Abroad Research



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