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What does it mean to " do " feminist interpersonal communication research? Interpersonal communication studies hold great potential for practical insights into how relationships are (en)gendered, informed (and even constituted) by patriarchal histories, and subject to cultural and institutional inequalities based on the identities of those in (or not in) a given relationship. Unfortunately, little research has embraced feminist approaches to interpersonal communication studies. In this essay, we seek to remedy this shortcoming by exploring some of the ways that interpersonal communication scholars can continue to integrate feminist approaches and perspectives into their work. We specifically examine two possibilities: feminist-informed participatory action research and integrating feminist critique into empirical interpersonal communication studies. As our arguments in this essay reflect, we believe that these particular approaches, similar to other feminist methodological possibilities, have the potential to impact interpersonal communication axiology and praxeology. To set the scene for these methodologies, we first overview feminist approaches to research and theorizing in the communication discipline as a whole as well as in interpersonal communication studies.

Publication Date



Manning, J., & Denker, K. J. (2015). Doing feminist interpersonal communication research: A call for action, two methodological approaches, and theoretical potentials. Women & Language, 38(1), 133-142. Authors have rights to distribute published article.

Original Citation

Manning, J., & Denker, K. J. (2015). Doing feminist interpersonal communication research: A call for action, two methodological approaches, and theoretical potentials. Women & Language, 38(1), 133-142.


Department of Communication

Legacy Department

Department of Communication


Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender




Michigan Technological University Humanities Department



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