Author ORCID Identifier

Larissa K. Garcia:

Document Type



The ACRL Framework for information literacy for higher education, the guiding document for academic instruction librarians in North America, encourages a deep connection between information literacy and discipline-specific teaching practices. In the context of art librarianship, one means of attaining this connection is via librarian participation in studio critiques. Critiques enable librarians to identify the similarities between the research process and the creative process, making information literacy relevant for art students. In two different institutional examples, the ACRL Framework provides a conceptual grounding for studio critiques as a collaborative space between librarians and faculty, where students learn lifelong information literacy and critical thinking skills that enrich their artistic work.

Publication Date


Original Citation

Garcia, L., & Peterson, A. (2017). Who invited the librarian? Studio critiques as a site of information literacy education. Art Libraries Journal, 42(2), 73-79. doi:10.1017/alj.2017.6


University Libraries




Cambridge University Press



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