Publication Date


Document Type


First Advisor

Tallon, William J.

Degree Name

B.S. (Bachelor of Science)

Legacy Department

Department of Operations Management and Information Systems


Logistics in the banking industry is generally an overlooked entity, which causes its effects not to be maximized. Bankers and customers usually take banking logistics for granted and do not realize the power of its usefulness. To be implemented correctly, logistics needs to be recognized as a separate function of banking that ties all of the other functions together, as it does in other industries. ... Although the processes in the supply chain and service response logistics areas are already in place and functional, many do not recognize the importance of logistics in banking. However, before the new technologies are fully implemented and relied upon, the banks had better wake up to the logistics concept or be lost in the new systems. The ability to make greater profit than ever before is present, but the ability to lose everything due to an antiquated method of thinking is just as possible.


Includes bibliographical references.


22 pages




Northern Illinois University

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