Publication Date

Spring 5-4-2024

Document Type

Student Project

First Advisor

Abreu, Christina

Degree Name

B.S. (Bachelor of Science)


Center for Latino and Latin American Studies| Department of Political Science


This paper captures the perspectives and experiences of eight Latinx college-aged students from mixed-status families related to civil engagement. This paper identifies varied definitions of civic engagement and shows that students’ experiences within their mixed-status families and their academic experiences shaped how they understood their level of civic engagement and informed their career paths. The eight oral history interviews conducted as part of this project show that most of the participants consider their level of political involvement as insufficient. Interviews reveal an understanding of “civic engagement” that exists on an evolving spectrum of participation. Participants shared that work responsibilities and family obligations made it difficult to participate civically, but student organizations actively encouraged them to become involved in advocacy or community-engaged activities.
