Publication Date


Document Type


First Advisor

Garling, Tom


School of Music


My goal with this Capstone project was to encapsulate my four years of music and jazz education at Northern Illinois University into a senior recital. I picked repertoire that spanned my whole college career and decided to arrange for jazz combo settings which is something I enjoy doing a lot. Arranging is an important concept in jazz music. My research for this project took a relatively simple approach; I listened to jazz music. Specifically, I listened to multiple versions of the tunes on my recital, compositions by the composers I was featuring on my recital, and other various recordings that were related to the repertoire I was playing. I took inspiration from the styles of the recordings I was listening to or I would even emulate what I was hearing in the music and write it in my arrangements. I am very proud of how my arrangements turned out in the end.


Link to recital: (It starts around 5 minutes in)
