Publication Date

Winter 12-17-2023

Document Type

Student Project

First Advisor

Woodard, Janna

Degree Name

B.S. (Bachelor of Science)


School of Nursing


The purpose of this project is to help educate current and future nurses on ways to understand and better connect with pediatric patients with autism. Standard nursing curriculum tends to focus primarily on the clinical approach for mainstream patients. In one short year, I recognized a glaring need for nurses to learn how to care for those with autism, as well as how to support and educate their families to create the best environment for whole success. It is very difficult to understand the needs of these specific patients without the proper toolkit. It is my intention to research and further uncover as many strategies as possible to better serve pediatric patients with autism. This is meant both as a personal development journey for myself, as well as to create a documented resource for other nurses to learn and grow in this area. I do not expect to create an end-all guide with all the answers. Instead, I hope to provide a foundation for nurses to better understand pediatric patients with autism. This will be a thought-provoking guide to connecting with these unique patients in unique ways in order to take patient care to a higher level.
