Publication Date


Document Type


First Advisor

Lu, Xueying

Degree Name

M.S. (Master of Science)

Legacy Department

Department of Physics


Beam position monitors (BPMs) are non-destructive diagnostic devices widely used in particle accelerators. I will first introduce the need for precision beam position measurement in particle accelerators, and then provide an overview of various types of BPMs. For the first part of my work, I focus on the design and simulation of a button-BPM. Microwave and wakefield simulations were performed to characterize the output signals. Such a design could find a potential application at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) at the Argonne National Laboratory. Although no BPMs have been fabricated to this date, a future beam experiment will be needed to test the performance of BPMs. One critical component on the electronics side is to provide a reliable time signal to the laser systems used to excite the photocathode, which generates relativistic electron bunches at the 65 MeV linear accelerator. For the second part of my work, I present the design of a zero-crossing circuit used to provide stable time signals for the AWA laser amplifier. Both the BPM microwave design work and the circuit design work comprise an important part of the Research and Development of BPMs at AWA.


105 pages




Northern Illinois University

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